goody_bag | Developer Nation
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Enjoy your
free resources!

Use these free resources to back up your ideas with data or plan your next career move. We also added a few digital swag items just for fun. Show them off on Twitter or Instagram using #DevNation!


Sitepoint Premium

Unlock Sitepoint premium for a collection of courses, books, and assessments to hone your tech skills and advance your career. Get unlimited access to everything for one simple price. Get a 50% discount with the code slashdata.


Cleaner Code, Streamlined Design Patterns with Metalama

Metalama helps C# developers to write and maintain less code by eliminating boilerplate, generating it dynamically during compilation. It typically reduces code lines and bugs by 15%. Metalama also enables you to validate your codebase against your own rules in real-time to enforce adherence to architecture, patterns, and conventions.

Sign up today to receive a 50% discount on Metalama Professional after your 45-day trial period ends.


Cloud computing services

Deploy more with Linode's Linux virtual machines, global infrastructure, and simple pricing. No surprise bills, no lock-in, and the same price across every data center. Easily launch and enrich applications, hosted services, websites, AI & machine learning workloads, gaming services, and more. Receive $100 in free credit today.


Stay on top of your game with the O’Reilly learning platform

O’Reilly online learning gives you on-demand access to live training courses, in-depth learning paths, interactive coding environments and many more! Learn your way—wherever, whenever you need to. Start your free 30-day trial membership by using the code SLASHDATA23.


Developer Population calculator

There are 31.1 million developers around the world. Want to know more about where they live or what programming language they use?


State of the Developer Nation - 25th edition 

Get access to the latest insights and data trends on hot topics such as: how generative AI will shape the future of coding, the diverse landscape of Web3 development projects, a status update on the programming languages and many more!


No Starch Press, the finest in geek entertainment

NoStarch is offering 25% off all titles. Use code DEVNATION25 at checkout on Offer expires January 31, 2024.


Desktop Backgrounds

Get 3 unique and awesome backgrounds for your dekstop.


Shift Miami - where APIs and DevEx intersect

Shift Miami is back for another immersive experience that brings developers, tech enthusiasts, and industry experts together in a uniquely chill vibe. Join us on April 23, 2024 to explore the magic that happens when APIs and DevEx intersect, streamline your development workflow, tackle challenges, and create more efficient, user-friendly software. Our mission is clear: to Shift up your development game. Get 25% off by using this promocode DeveloperNation25off.


iCodeThis - Learn With Practice

Daily challenges to improve your coding skills and become a better web developer!
Get 20% off with the coupon code


Mental health app

Moodfit provides all the mental health tools in one place including mood mourning, gratitude, mindfulness, breathwork, CBT and more. Moodfit can help you learn what brings your mood up and down, reduce stress, and build resilience for the future. Use program code DEVNATION60 to get 60 days free.


Insights on Developer happiness and productivity

In Q1 2023, we ran our first Developer Wellness survey and we got some interesting findings. Most importantly, developers wanted to share tips and thoughts on the lifetyle habits improve their wellbeing.


Emerging tech certifications

Use coupon code DNCCNX20 to receive a 20% discount off any product available on the CNX Store! A wide variety of Artificial intelligence, Data Science, Data Ethics, IoT, and Secure Coding courses and certifications are available.

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the survey and win $1,000!

If you enjoyed the survey, invite other developers to take part for a chance to win cash prizes!

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